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Karate Jutsu


Our Karate-jitsu sessions found within the Bushido Combat Academy system focuses of all aspects of realistic defence against real world scenarios using the ancient principles of "Applied" techniques, rather than your more standard punch, block, kick, line drill training. 

This system of combat is hands on at all times and will pressure test each situation using set principles of application through both single partner and small group practice, utilising evasion, absorption, control, and finish. Through full body strikes, joint manipulation, chokes and vital point activation..


Our system follows the Toudi Jitsu techniques researched by the Tsubokai society, this is an ancient form of martial arts based on the oldest - once lost teachings of the masters of old. By following these teachings we have a style that uses your natural body movements with devastating effects.
Although the martial arts take years to perfect, through these ancient methods of teaching, you will be able to defend yourself in real world combat situations in just a few weeks.  Our system is based around the fact that you do not have to be big and powerful to defend yourself. This is due to the fact that the ancient forms use natural balance and various “Reaction points” on the body to repel almost any kind of attack you can think of,  therefore a smaller person can very easily overpower a much larger person.  also because the principles within our art are using your body as it would naturally move, not only is it quick to learn – but once you have learned the basics, they will become a natural reaction should they ever be needed – and that is the most important thing when defending yourself.
Combine this with our “Chi Kung” (breathing) and combat conditioning, your fitness and overall health will naturally rise too.


In addition to the standing techniques found wihtin the Karate-Jutsu system, we also encourage the practice of what we describe as Technical groundwork principles - these are skills to both defend and attack on the ground should you find yourself in this postiton with an unskilled attacker.  


with all the best intentions and everyhting in place, you can never with 100% certainty determin where a real confrontaion is going to end up, and not having a solid grounding in all areas is truly a recipie for disaster.  


Our tehcnical ground applications work the same principles of the standing ones,



           ~ Punch (Kick) protection - Control - Transition - Defeat/Escape ~ 



Our Tehcnical Groundwork Applications are worked in weekly rotation with out Technical standing applications (in normal weekly class format) hoowever we also offer a weekly "Double session" where over a 2 hour period, 1 hour each is dedicated to the each of the stadning and groundwork sections. this is a great wa to parctive both aspects and see them working together, as well as an intensive review system to your normal classes. the Double session is on Thursday evenings (see timetable for details) 

These KJ classes can be taken as a complete stand alone system of defence or can be combined with our BK1 Combat sessions to creat a complete understanding of both the more technical close range side and the more basic principled distance fighting approach. 

These sessions are ideal for those that are looking to learn close quarter, quick fire. "You get the first go, the rest is ALL me" kind of defence strategies 




headlock escape stage 1
stage 2
stage 3
stage 4
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