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Bushido Karate-Jutsu is a dynamic fluid fighting art designed to cope with real life situations, and defend them with ease. With the correct effort and dedication shown to your training, results are instant as our teaching methods are very quick to grasp, realistic to apply and devastatingly effective, on top of this the club prides itself on a welcoming and friendly atmosphere at all our training locations.

We have exciting and addictive classes in many local areas, for ALL information on our style of Martial arts, along with all locations,  Class times and prices, please feel free to browse this Club “Info site”, and check out the pages of information on our system, including pictures, technique clips, training programme outlines and class schedules that are available to our dedicated students, who continue to make Bushido Kai martial arts one of the biggest and accomplished clubs worldwide.


“Bushido Kai Karate-Jutsu Kyokai” is part of the Kempo Karate Jutsu Alliance (T.K.K.J.A) 

All Instructors hold recognised grades & qualifications through these regulating bodies.



Andy Bennett
5th Degree Black Belt

Chief Insructor


Training in various arts since 1978 - and holding Dan Grades in a number of style - Andy is the head instructor at BCA-UK and also the clubs chief grading examiner 

James Kitchenside
3rd Degree Black Belt

Senior Instructor


A dedication like no other, James has overcome many hurdels to blast his way to Black Belt  and producess exceptional students in his Brixton location 

Simon Finley
Simon Finley
4th Degree Black Belt

Senior Instructor


with previous training in Ving Chung and over 13 years of training at Bushido Combat Academy - Simon is the Assistant senior instructor and grading examiner at BCA

David White
3rd Degree Black Belt

Senior Area Insructor


David has been training for over 10 years and oversees all the classes in our Dartford Location and is assissted by Sempai Martin Jones

Dawn Brockett
3rd Degree Black Belt

Senior Instructor


Training full time since 2004 Dawn has become a  phenomenal Matial artist, and continues to lead the way. she oversees the BK1 sessions as well as the weekend classes

Leo Sortino
Leo Sortino
2nd Degree Black Belt

Area Insructor


Leo followed in his sons footsteps and has trained 10+ years taking him all the way up to Black belt - Leo assits Sensei James at our Brixton location




Kata is the unwritten moving manual of Karate techniques. The Bushido-kai student progresses through

the following Kata in this order from 9th Kyu White Belt right through to 5th Degree Black Belt. 

All of these kata are unique versions practiced by Bushido-kai incorporating many lost or old principles

of movement and application no longer found in any of the mainstream Karate styles.



Shorei-ken (Naha-Te) Kata Syllabus


Sanchin "Three Wars" or "Three Circles"

The beginners combat and conditioning Kata


Seisan "Thirteen"

Direct line fighting methods.


Seiunchin "Fifteen Conflicts?"

Direct and Evasive methods using spiralling power similar to the Hsing-Yi fighting style inspired by 

Fujian Tiger and Crane styles.


Seipai "Eighteen"

South Shoalin striking, seizing and manipulating methods using the power of the Snake and Crane.


Suchin "Monk Fist" or "5 Conflicts"

South Shoalin Hard Tiger and Soft Crane "Monk Fist" methods.


Nipaipo "Twenty Eight "

Soft/Hard white crane power & Lohan fist fighting methods.


Nepai "Twenty Eight Steps"

The advanced extention of techniques from Nipaipo methods of the Soft/Hard White Crane and Lohan Fist.


Kohokaku "Old Royal Crane" or "Old Ways of the Crane"

Advanced methods of the Soft White Crane.





A Typical Bushido Kai "BK1 Combat", "Karate-Jutsu"  Class


Most 1 - 1.5 Hour Classes include the following activities. Advanced classes, private lessons and specialised courses may concentrate on an area of training where general improvement is needed.



BK1 - Combat class 


Warm up exercises - Jogging, Loosening, stretching and energy building exercises (known as Kikyo or Chi Kung). (Time frame 10 minutes)


Impact Pad Work - Punches, Open handed strikes, Knees, Kicks, Elbows etc. this includes cardio work consisting of Press-ups, Sit-ups, Squats, Squat Thrusts, and stamina training etc.    (Time frame 20 minutes)


Combat Work - All aspect of our fighting style put into practice in a free flowing combat situation,  medium contact sparring to train reactions and test techniques under more reality based pressure. Using Punching, Striking, Kicking, Clinch work, Throws/Takedowns, Grappling, and Groundwork depending upon grade. (Time frame 30 minutes) 


Warm Down - Stretching, breathing and energy restoring exercises (Kikyo or Chi Kung).  (Time frame 5 minutes)




Karate-Jutsu Class 


Warm up exercises - Jogging, Loosening, stretching and energy building exercises (known as Kikyo or Chi Kung). (Time frame 5 minutes)


Technical Pad Work - Punches, Open handed strikes, Knees, Kicks, Elbows etc. this includes light cardio work consisting of Light jogging between reps etc.   (Time frame 10-15 minutes)


Kata - Practice plus corrections to the Kata/forms of the Bushido Kai Karate syllabus.  (Time Frame 20 minutes)


Partner Work (Kata Applications) - Self defence applications to the Kata and the set syllabus techniques for each belt using, depending upon grade, Blocking/Deflecting, Economy of motion, Evasion, Punching, Striking, Kneeing, Kicking, Throwing, Joint Locking, Strangles and Chokes, Groundwork and Weapon defence.   (Time frame 20 minutes)


Warm Down - Stretching, breathing and energy restoring exercises (Kikyo or Chi Kung).  (Time frame 5 minutes)




 Bushido Kai Martial arts Academy - Building people’s Confidence since 2002

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